Saturday, August 10, 2013


Over the past few weeks I have become a member of two different organizations! One of them was a first for me. Two weeks ago, after much thought, I joined a gym! I decided that since I have nothing to do during the day, I would try to get myself into shape for whatever adventure I will be headed on after Jubilee! Nate and I go together (because there is no way that I would go by myself!) and so far, we have done pretty well.  I have never seen so many muscular men in one place.  Some of them have biceps that are the size of my thigh!  We took a kickboxing class the first week and I think that has been my favorite so far, but boy was I sore!

The second organization I became a member of is the library!  It is right down the road from our apartment and I have wanted to get a library card for quite a while now, so today I finally went.  I borrowed a book to read during my down time backstage of the show.  It was been awhile since I took out a book and it brought me right back to the Baxter Memorial Library.  The library is a special place and I'm so glad that I finally have a card.


1 comment:

  1. YAY for getting a library card!! I <3 libraries. :)
