Friday, December 20, 2013

12 Days of Holiday Uke-ing

On the First Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...Blue Christmas

On the Second Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...Santa Baby

On the Third Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...A Little Drummer...Family Affair

On the Fourth Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...A Hippopotamus for Christmas

On the Fifth Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...Snow!

On the Sixth Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...A White Christmas

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Turkey Lurkey Day

Thanksgiving just might be my favorite holiday. Family, food, thankfulness.  It's pretty awesome!  Especially because this year we were able to spend Thanksgiving in PA.  Back when I was at college in Pittsburgh we went to Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving every year! It was amazing.  But since I graduated we haven't had the chance to go back.  And last year I was in Malaysia on the Celebrity Solstice.  They don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Malaysia, but we did have a dinner with all the Americans!  So, this year was extra special, for all of us.  I have so much to be thankful for, every day.

Chocolate Dipping Competition
Ukulele Concert

Texas Sneakers v. Mainer Boots

Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner Hike

Icicle Leaf

Thanksgiving Dinner - yum!
Dessert, anyone?

Annual Trip to Tiny World

You never know what you are going to find at the Bent n' Dent!

Car-full of Bargains

Thank you all for the amazing time!  I'm so lucky that I have just a wonderful family and that I was able to be home for the holiday season this year.  Now on to shopping and Christmas!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

From Sea to Shining Sea

Not very many people can say that they have driven across the United States.  However, I have done it twice!  Just this year! My dad took off time from work and we took our time seeing as much as we could along the way.  It really helped to break up all the driving. We did the drive in 8 days with stops to see family members and a little break to celebrate Thanksgiving in Pennsylvania.

We started by packing the car in Huntington Beach, CA, then off we went to the beach so we really could say we went from "sea to shining sea", Pacific to Atlantic.
Each day along the way I made little collages of our trip.  It was a good way to document our travels.

I am so thankful to my dad for driving with would have been super boring to drive all that way alone!  We had such a wonderful time seeing National Parks, landmarks, singing in the car, snacking and even just sitting in silence.  Thanks Dad!  Here are some memories from our trip!
Exploring Zion National Park


Exploring Bryce Canyon - might be better than Grand Canyon!

Exploring Arches National Park

Goofing Around in Kansas

Visit to the top of the St. Louis Gateway Arch

Fun in Chattanooga with Cyndy and Bruce!
Below are some pictures I took out of the window during our trip.  Landscapes across the states:

Until next time!