Friday, May 17, 2013

A Magical Surprise

I love surprises.  I love being surprised and surprising people.  Maarten, on the other hand, does not enjoy surprises.  If you send a Christmas present and it arrives December 10th, the package will be opened on the 10th.  If he even has the smallest idea that you may have a surprise or present for him, he will bug you non-stop until you tell him what it is.  Now, since he was leaving to board the cruise ship before his birthday on June 25th, I had to figure out what to do.  While at the show one day, genius struck!  Ever since we had gotten together we had talked about going to Disney World together.  Since we are on the West coast and not the East coast, Disneyland in California was the next best thing.  But since we had less than 2 weeks left until he flew to Belgium and a puppy at home to take care of, it just didn't seem like a realistic plan.  Luckily, I have vacation days and a puppy-loving roommate!  So I decided that a Disneyland trip was going to happen.  I took Thursday off from work, talked to my friend, Jamie, who lives in LA, she opened her house to us Thursday night, and came to the park with us, and found a friend who I did a show with in Maine who works at Disneyland and had two free ParkHopper passes that we could use.  The plan was set.  Now I just had to keep it a secret and figure out how to tell Maarten.  It is a 4 hours drive to LA and the park opened at 10am, so I had to get Maarten into the car by 5:30am. 

Now, because of my work schedule we have the habit of going to bed late and waking up late.  However this could not happen for my trip to work out!  So I made up a little white lie as to why we had to wake up early on Thursday morning and we were off to bed earlier than planned.  But then Maarten woke up again and said he wasn't tired.  He wanted to get a drink, play on his iPad, play with Bailey, take a shower. Anything but sleep.  I couldn't believe it.  I almost told him right then about my plan.  I was too excited to sleep anyway!  But finally he gave up and we went to bed. 

Fast forward to 5:00am.  My alarm goes off and I tell Maarten that his iPad has been making noise and he needs to look at it.  He reluctantly picks it up and finds this picture:

He didn't believe his eyes.  He said, "For real?  Are we going to Disneyland? Is this just jokes?" I said, "Yes, sweetie.  Wake up.  We are going to Disneyland today.  Surprise!" I have never seen him get out of bed and ready for the day as fast as that morning.  He had many questions, most importantly "Are we going to be late?" He wanted to be there when the park opened! So we got in the car, which I had packed with a change of clothes and snacks for the ride and off we were.  We made good time, picked up our free Disneyland passes, parked and met Jamie in the park.  It was the most magical day with my very own Prince Charming.  I think Maarten likes surprises a little more now.
Soaking wet after the River Raft Ride
Jessica and Maarten with Walt Disney
Jessica and Jamie on Main Street in Disneyland 
Maarten and Jessica with the Steamboat 
We're in Toontown! 
Riding in Mickey's car
Jamie and Jessica in front of the castle 
California Adventure and Disneyland!
We won the race in Cars Land!
Maarten's trophy :) 
Jamie, Maarten and Jessica on the Flying Tire Ride 
Maarten and Jamie in front of Tower or Terror 
 Same pose at sunset in California Adventure
Maarten and Jessica riding Tower of Terror (our favorite ride of the day!)

The World of Color water show
 Panoramic California Adventure at night
A wonderful day at Disneyland!

I am so glad that we got to spend one last amazing day together in "The Happiest Place on Earth".  It was a perfect day.  I love you, Maarten.  Happy (early) Birthday!

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