Friday, December 14, 2012

It's a Party in the USA

I am back in the United States of America! It is weird to be back in a place where everyone speaks English and I understand the currency.  It is also wicked cold!  I haven’t had to wear more than one layer of clothing since I left Maine back in February 2012.  But I am so thankful to be able to see my family and friends during this holiday season.

I am a Time Traveler.  I woke up Sunday, December 9th at 5am to watch the ship sail into Sydney Harbor.  Thankfully I was able to see the Sydney Opera House right out of the port hole!  The morning was full of returning linens to the laundry room, getting my final pay check and medical back, saying tearful goodbyes and riding a bus to the Sydney Airport.  My flight wasn’t until 4pm, so I got free internet and wandered around the airport.  On the plane I was lucky enough to have an aisle seat, which made the 13 hour flight bearable.  I watched 3 movies, drank a lot of Cran-Apple juice, ate dinner and tried to sleep.  When I woke up I felt like Bill Murray in Ground Hog’s Day.  There I was living Sunday all over again, except this time I was not able to see Maarten, landing in San Francisco at 11am and seeing my parents at 11:30pm.  When I finally made it home, I was exhausted after 35+ hours of traveling.  It was such a wonderful feeling seeing my parents there to greet me.  My dad had a sign saying “Around the World in 280 days!”  
Sydney Opera House out of the port hole

Promotional Pictures of the Solstice docking in Sydney Harbor

Jessica arriving in Boston
"Around the World in 280 Days"
I have had terrible jet lag, not falling asleep until 3am and suddenly waking up with the sun at 7:30am.  But last night I finally slept for 10 hours.  I miss Maarten every day.  I miss traveling the world, my cast mates, the ease and luxury of life on the Solstice, but I am so excited for the holidays and to begin my life on land.  Thank you so much for following my blog for the past 10 months.  I hope you were entertained and maybe even learned something.  Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to everyone!  Jessica Ernest, oouut.
My journey on the Celebrity Solstice (March 11 - December 9, 2012)

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